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Online Url Encode and Decode

Url Encode/Decode

URL Encode Tool Online

URL Decode Online Tool


URL Encode Decode Online Tool

URL encoding is the process of converting characters that are not allowed in a URL into a percent-encoded form. This is done to ensure that the URL is properly transmitted over the internet and to prevent any special characters from being interpreted as control characters. Some characters that are not allowed in a URL include spaces, punctuation, and certain symbols.

A string will be encoded and decoded using the URL Encode Decode Online Tool. The encoding changes the string to a format that may be safely communicated, removing it from the list of strings that could be construed as commands. URL Encode Decode Online Tool will also convert the string to a safe format, taking it away from being a string that a program or user could perceive as data. Certain characters are encoded differently based on their context.